Program of Studies
- Graduation Requirements
- Course Information
- Prerequisite Information
- Early Graduate Information
- Other Helpful Registration Information
Career Pathways
- North Dakota Choice Ready Requirements
- North Dakota Scholarship Checklist
- Career Planning Information
- Coordinated Plan of Study Courses
- Other Helpful Registration Information
High School Course Planning
Students have the opportunity to meet and review their 4-year plan with their counselor.
4-Year Planning Sheet (FPS 4 Year Graduation and Post-Secondary Planning Sheet)
Summer School
- Summer School Courses
- Site Information
- Summer School Handbook
- Bussing Information
- Trollwood Registration
ALL Current 8th -11th grade students/families:
January 6, 2025, 4:00-7:00 pm - Registration Open House at South High- an opportunity for students and parents to talk with teachers about the classes being taught, different levels of classes (ie., Advanced Placement, Dual Credit), and elective class options.
5:30 pm in the theater: presentation for 8th grade students, parents/guardians
Current 8th grade students
January 9, 2025: South High counselors will visit CBE 8th graders to distribute registration materials, discuss course selections, review graduation requirements.
8th grade students: (be sure to attend your 8th grade conference with your current counselor who will help guide you through the registration process and finalize the plan for next year)
Current 9th grade students
January 28: Counselors will visit current 9th grade students during Physical Science classes to distribute registration materials, discuss course selections and review graduation requirements
February 4 & 5: Counselors will visit Physical Science classes again to assist 9th grade students in entering and finalizing their course selections for next year
Current 10th grade students
February 6: Counselors will visit current 10th grade students in Biology classes to distribute registration materials, discuss course selections and review graduation requirements
February 12 & 13: Counselors will visit Biology classes again to assist 10th grade students in entering and finalizing their course selections for next year
Current 11th grade students
February 18: Counselors will visit current 11th grade students in English classes to distribute registration materials, discuss course selections and review graduation requirements
February 25 & 27: Counselors will visit English classes again to assist 11th grade student in verifying credits needed for graduation, and in entering their final course selections.
All students are encouraged to speak with their parents, teachers and counselors as they work toward goals they have set for themselves. As students plan for next year’s classes, they should keep in mind requirements for graduation, requirements for admission into any school beyond high school, exploring career options and personal learning. This newsletter contains information regarding all of these topics. Thinking carefully about one’s high school years and post-high school plans is a necessity.
Consider the demands of various combinations of courses. There are eight periods in the South High school day, with a starting time of 8:35 a.m. and an ending time of 3:35 p.m. We recommend that students choose six classes per semester, leaving two free hours (study halls) per semester. Seven classes is a heavy load and eight can be an overload. Students taking seven or eight classes need to have plenty of out-of-school time for homework. Students with extracurricular or employment obligations need to pay careful attention to course loads.